Toe Stop My Hart – Lianie May En Jay
Silwerster – Gerhard Steyn
Die Een Wat Jy Wil He – Lianie May
Vir My Is Dit Net Jy – Guillaume
Skielik Is Jy Vry – Theuns Jordaan
As Ek Vra – Etienne Steyn
Se Wat Jy Wil Se – Karlien Van Jaarsveld
Moet My Nie Los Nie – Arno Jordaan
Vir Altyd (Na Na Na) – Vaughan Gardiner
Maanskyn En Rose – Liesl Du Toit
Jy – Flipacoin
Spieeltjie – Bobby Van Jaarsveld
Lisa Se Klavier – Afri-Frans
Die Kaplyn – Bok Van Blerk
Tussen Woorde – Juanita Du Plessis
O My Taal – Rudi En Corlea
Dowwe Spore – Theuns Jordaan En Juanita Du Plessis
Liewe Ouers – Robbie Wessels
Vra My – Eden
Dink Aan My – Andriette
Delivery Options
Build a Bundle
To save on shipping you can buy books and when you are ready, you pay for the shipping and we send all your books at once.
Paxi (Pep to Pep)
Standard Bag R60: delivery within 7 – 9 days to a Pep near you.
Pudo (Locker to Locker)
We will send your package to the nearest locker of your choice.
Collect your package in Doornpoort, Pretoria.
Description of book condition:
New – Brand new and unread book.
As New – A secondhand book that can easily pass for a new one.
Very Good – Book is in great condition with only a minor blemish here and there.
Good – Book shows visible reading wear but nothing serious.
Fair – Book shows clear and more significant wear, especially on the cover, but is still solid and intact.
Worn – Book shows severe wear and tear while still being intact (commonly known as a “reading copy”). Worn books are still good perfect for a good read, all pages will be intact with none threatening to fall out.
Beskrywing van boeke se toestand:
Nuut – ‘n Nuwe, ongeleesde boek.
Soos Nuut – ‘n Tweedehandse boek wat nog maklik vir ‘n nuwe een kan deurgaan,
Baie Goed – Die boek wys minimale verweer,
Goed – Die boek wys sigbare verweer, maar niks ernstigs nie.
Redelik – Die boek wys duidelike leesverweer, veral op die omslag, maar is steeds stewig en heel.
Verweerd – Die boek wys ernstige verweer, maar is steeds heel en heeltemal leesbaar (ons noem dit ‘n “leeskopie”). Geen bladsye is los nie.
Book Formats
Paperback: Mass market paperback, roughly 180mm x 110mm
Medium Softcover: Larger paperback, roughly 200mm x 130mm
Large Softcover: also called a “Trade Paperback”, roughly 235mm x 155mm
Medium Hardcover: Hardcover book, roughly 200mm x 130mm
Large Hardcover: Hardcover book, roughly 235mm x 155mm
Trots Afrikaans Vol. 4 (CD)
1 in stock
1 in stock
Toe Stop My Hart – Lianie May En Jay
Silwerster – Gerhard Steyn
Die Een Wat Jy Wil He – Lianie May
Vir My Is Dit Net Jy – Guillaume
Skielik Is Jy Vry – Theuns Jordaan
As Ek Vra – Etienne Steyn
Se Wat Jy Wil Se – Karlien Van Jaarsveld
Moet My Nie Los Nie – Arno Jordaan
Vir Altyd (Na Na Na) – Vaughan Gardiner
Maanskyn En Rose – Liesl Du Toit
Jy – Flipacoin
Spieeltjie – Bobby Van Jaarsveld
Lisa Se Klavier – Afri-Frans
Die Kaplyn – Bok Van Blerk
Tussen Woorde – Juanita Du Plessis
O My Taal – Rudi En Corlea
Dowwe Spore – Theuns Jordaan En Juanita Du Plessis
Liewe Ouers – Robbie Wessels
Vra My – Eden
Dink Aan My – Andriette
Delivery Options
Build a Bundle
To save on shipping you can buy books and when you are ready, you pay for the shipping and we send all your books at once.
Paxi (Pep to Pep)
Standard Bag R60: delivery within 7 – 9 days to a Pep near you.
Pudo (Locker to Locker)
We will send your package to the nearest locker of your choice.
Collect your package in Doornpoort, Pretoria.
Description of book condition:
Description of book condition:
New – Brand new and unread book.
As New – A secondhand book that can easily pass for a new one.
Very Good – Book is in great condition with only a minor blemish here and there.
Good – Book shows visible reading wear but nothing serious.
Fair – Book shows clear and more significant wear, especially on the cover, but is still solid and intact.
Worn – Book shows severe wear and tear while still being intact (commonly known as a “reading copy”). Worn books are still good perfect for a good read, all pages will be intact with none threatening to fall out.
Beskrywing van boeke se toestand:
Nuut – ‘n Nuwe, ongeleesde boek.
Soos Nuut – ‘n Tweedehandse boek wat nog maklik vir ‘n nuwe een kan deurgaan,
Baie Goed – Die boek wys minimale verweer,
Goed – Die boek wys sigbare verweer, maar niks ernstigs nie.
Redelik – Die boek wys duidelike leesverweer, veral op die omslag, maar is steeds stewig en heel.
Verweerd – Die boek wys ernstige verweer, maar is steeds heel en heeltemal leesbaar (ons noem dit ‘n “leeskopie”). Geen bladsye is los nie.
Book Formats
Paperback: Mass market paperback, roughly 180mm x 110mm
Medium Softcover: Larger paperback, roughly 200mm x 130mm
Large Softcover: also called a “Trade Paperback”, roughly 235mm x 155mm
Medium Hardcover: Hardcover book, roughly 200mm x 130mm
Large Hardcover: Hardcover book, roughly 235mm x 155mm